JUMP START 3 one-hour sessions: $300: assessment of posture, mobility, flexibility, strength and/or cardiovascular fitness based on your goals. We’ll develop a plan for your workouts, wherever you plan to continue. Receive written and audio workouts to get you moving safely and effectively. Some people prepare to workout in a small group or continue with additional personal fitness sessions after Jump Start. Options include weights, rubber tubing and TRX training for strength and mobility, as well as mat, track, pool and pilates/core workouts.
FIT FOR LIFE Regular sessions that vary as the seasons change and your fitness improves. If you want guidance, efficiency and pleasant 🙂 company, work out at the FitsCape Studio, your home, the pool, or at various locations several times a week.
ONGOING WEEKLY OR BI-WEEKLY CLASSES $45- $75 per session. I travel to locations in Cape Elizabeth for an additional $20: Duration and location affect cost. These ongoing sessions are driven by your body’s changing needs: sometimes foam rolling and stretching is best, sometimes High Intensity Interval Training works. Some days the old dog needs new tricks, others we KISS.
Training for a specific event? Our workouts will take you there successfully. Training to feel stronger and healthier? You’ll notice changes from week to week as you firm up and “get your fit on”. Triathletes who need swim stroke instruction typically panic in April, arrange for 6-8 personal sessions, and swim well in July!
AGE APPROPRIATE Although at 80 you may have the health of a 60 year-old, safe and effective workouts should take into account your prior sports injuries, your goals for living independently as long as possible, and the aches and pains that come with aging. You can still get seriously fit. If you’re 60 and you feel like you’re 80, ME FIT will help you change that.
Got a goal? if you and a partner want to get fit to climb Katahdin, swim Peaks to Portland, or cycle the Eastern Trail, get serious now. Reduce your risk of injury, enjoy your preparation, and reach your goal with some regular professional training.
If you’re a young athlete, your workouts will focus on learning the right moves and enjoying movement so that you avoid injury as you work on your game, whatever that may be.